Amanda Taylor
Amanda started printmaking in 2001 where she trained at the London College of Printing. Soon after she joined East London Printmakers based in Mile End and has taken part in shared exhibitions over the years mainly doing collagraphs, linocuts and wood engravings. She has been teaching collagraphs at the studio at East London Printmakers for 18 years and gets involved in doing demonstrations at the Open Studios. She has also taught printmaking in a medieval castle in Italy to a group of international students and has demonstrated wood engraving at the Bankside gallery when the Society of Wood Engravers have their annual exhibitions. She works from sketches and photographs and enjoys the textures achieved creating collagraphs, the fine detail achievable in wood engravings and the many layers of colours used in producing her reduction linocuts. She has also experimented with etching lino to create more texture using caustic soda. She likes to continually develop new techniques and ideas to progress and improve her work. In 2022 she was selected to be a member of the Society of Wood Engravers and in 2023 her work was chosen to be on display for the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art, Piccadilly.